Download Episode 49 here.
Definitely more Pacific than Anime this episode; It was a slow week for Anime and I'm preparing for my "big move" and probably won't be able to see any Anime for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Alex's raging microphone fans rejoice.
Shootin' The Breeze
I talked about the awesome 3D Imax experience that was Beowulf.
Alex gets all orgasmic just thinking about our Swedish listener and good chum, ZombieToaster sending us a voicemail.
Sometimes, as Mecha fans, we forget that truth is often more amazing than fiction. Check out this real "Mecha Tank Trolley" that was actually used during World War I.
...And a look at some stuff that didn't quite get past the conceptual stage.
Check out the rather amazing post, here.
China's tough screening of sexy young stewardesses
We're justjubilant aghast!
Article here.
Anime News
Hokuto No Ken Online website updated. Will be free to play!
Check it out here.
Until next week, farewell!
Definitely more Pacific than Anime this episode; It was a slow week for Anime and I'm preparing for my "big move" and probably won't be able to see any Anime for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
Alex's raging microphone fans rejoice.
Shootin' The Breeze
I talked about the awesome 3D Imax experience that was Beowulf.
Alex gets all orgasmic just thinking about our Swedish listener and good chum, ZombieToaster sending us a voicemail.
Sometimes, as Mecha fans, we forget that truth is often more amazing than fiction. Check out this real "Mecha Tank Trolley" that was actually used during World War I.
...And a look at some stuff that didn't quite get past the conceptual stage.
Check out the rather amazing post, here.
China's tough screening of sexy young stewardesses
We're just
Article here.
Anime News
Hokuto No Ken Online website updated. Will be free to play!
Check it out here.
Until next week, farewell!
Also, Dane, how would you like to voice act in some of my flash movies? You got a talent for doing many great accents :)
Maybe they could do Dane idea and have do some paperwork job for their airline when they reach at the age of over 33 years old. That’s the only way it could happen here. PC crap got nuts I tell you.
It's also not like were asking them not to work anymore. Just do a job were looks don't matter. You can't talk like this in this PC word though. That's why I like places like Wal-mart. A non Union workplace.
As for your latest show, no offence intended but I'd rather have some old bag tell me the correct procedure for a crash landing than a Lucozade skin-coloured bimbo. I might not get a hard-on but at least I'd survive.
Finally here your entire post text written in the style of the Swedish Chef:
Ipeesude-a 49: Uneeme-a Peceeffic.
Deffeenitely mure-a Peceeffic thun Uneeme-a thees ipeesude-a; It ves a sloo veek fur Uneeme-a und I'm prepereeng fur my "beeg mufe-a" und prubebly vun't be-a eble-a tu see-a uny Uneeme-a fur zee next 2 1/2 veeks.
Elex's regeeng meecruphune-a funs rejueece-a.
Doonlued Ipeesude-a 49 here-a.
Shuutin' Zee Breeze-a
I telked ebooot zee evesume-a 3D Imex ixpereeence-a thet ves Beoooolff.
Elex gets ell oorgesmeec joost theenking ebooot oooor Svedeesh leestener und guud choom, ZumbeeeTuester sendeeng us a fueecemeil.
Sumetimes, es Mecha funs, ve-a furget thet troot is oofftee mure-a emezeeng thun feecshun. Check oooot thees reel "Mecha Tunk Trulley" thet ves ectooelly used dooreeng Vurld Ver I.
...Und a luuk et sume-a stooffff thet deedn't qooeete-a get pest zee cunceptooel stege-a.
Check oooot zee rezeer emezeeng pust, here-a.
Cheene's tuoogh screeneeng ooff sexy yuoong stooerdesses
Ve're-a joost joobeelunt eghest!
Erticle-a here-a.
Uneeme-a Noos
Hukootu Nu Kee Oonleene-a vebseete-a updeted. Veell be-a free-a tu pley!
Check it oooot here-a.
Until next veek, ferooell!