Anime Pacific Episode 73: Back like
  • Patrick Duffy
  • Download Episode 73, here.

    What? Oh! It was all a dream...

    Yes folks, Anime Pacific is back.

    Back to weekly episodes.

    Back to it's original website.

    Back to the format you all know and love.

    ANIPAC still exists, mind you, but more as our official blog.

    Shootin' The Breeze

    Besides discussing the obvious, Alex discusses the vast, and somewhat scary Chronicles of Gor series.

    What's scary is that some people live this world on a daily basis.

    Next Week:

    Proud of managing to avoid boarding school rape thus far, Alex may have met his match...


    regan strongblood said…
    Hellz yeah!
    Znork said…
    Holy shite, this calls for a voice mail of celebration!

    Znork said…
    What ze hell BORK, I did not zisapear, I zid BORK never get contacted wiz any BORK requezt for zelp.

    That thing about wiping the ass with the left hand is actually done by some african tribes, not in india as far as I know.
    Anonymous said…
    Next episode is DEDICATED to Rpglamer; DEDICATED!

    Alex is heartbroken at his mistake, as he is something of an expert when it comes to men's bottoms.

    By the way lads, we've already recorded a review for this gem which some mysterious stranger is currently seeding

    Here's the torrent:

    This will be featured next episode. Glad you guys are still listening!

    And Jake, I enjoyed your Upapaddle episode, hope you join a few more!