Anime Pacific Episode 28: Tales from the mystical East, or is it actually the west, seeing as that for many of you, Asia is either North or West.....
Download Episode 28 here.
Don't long titles make me look smart?
Let it be known that, this is not our normal episode format.
Last week, the mail was in fact nothing like "the male", because Alex won't let "the male" escape under any circumstances whilst "the mail" totally evaded our podcast last week, you may have noticed the mail theme music but no actual mail.
Rest assured all of you who e-mailed or messaged us with questions, will have them addressed in this episode. Our most humble apologies.
We also got a voice mail from fellow podcasters, Destroy All Podcasts. Judging by what they are reviewing, they are certainly chaps after my own heart. I'm going to check them out and you should too.
Tales from the East....or West
We discuss how me and Alex met and the whacky adventures that ensued at the very professional, "English centre".
Very little of what we say can actually be summarized in a few sentences, but for your reference:
Here is Wei Wah from where I currently live now:
Here's a close-up shot:
Here's the perilous path through "Dagoba", the poor quality, bad lighting and out-of-focus shot just adds to the ambience I think:
For the ladies, here's me at the top of Lion Rock Mountain with my shirt off:
(Ok, we didn't talk about this, but I'm sure the ladies were *thinking* about
So, there's the segment, will it be a regular segment? You tell us!
Don't long titles make me look smart?
Let it be known that, this is not our normal episode format.
Last week, the mail was in fact nothing like "the male", because Alex won't let "the male" escape under any circumstances whilst "the mail" totally evaded our podcast last week, you may have noticed the mail theme music but no actual mail.
Rest assured all of you who e-mailed or messaged us with questions, will have them addressed in this episode. Our most humble apologies.
We also got a voice mail from fellow podcasters, Destroy All Podcasts. Judging by what they are reviewing, they are certainly chaps after my own heart. I'm going to check them out and you should too.
Tales from the East....or West
We discuss how me and Alex met and the whacky adventures that ensued at the very professional, "English centre".
Very little of what we say can actually be summarized in a few sentences, but for your reference:
Here is Wei Wah from where I currently live now:
Here's a close-up shot:
Here's the perilous path through "Dagoba", the poor quality, bad lighting and out-of-focus shot just adds to the ambience I think:
For the ladies, here's me at the top of Lion Rock Mountain with my shirt off:
(Ok, we didn't talk about this, but I'm sure the ladies were *thinking* about
So, there's the segment, will it be a regular segment? You tell us!
Also the audio, is the closest to great you guy's have gotten! Tis all wow I say! WOW!
Also the end song was from Berserk right? Good times.
I pray each day for a Berserk "Second Season"!
Also you guys talked about Star Wars. Do any of you guys watch Star Trek. I think Alex talked about the Grand Nagus.
Shenmue Online is either on the way or out, though really the only thing that makes it Shenmue is probably the name. Yakuza for the PS2 is very similar to Shenmue and also a great game. (Made by Sega too!)
Me and Alex both are Trek fans, I think more than anything, DS9 fans.
Seriously though, over at ECP we still haven't gotten better mics but Oni did buy an external soundcard so the sound for next week's episode sounds pretty good. We're breaking up some recording aspects of the show that I don't spend the next two weeks staring at Audacity:(
Was just wondering since you didn't post a picture of the house we lived in, nor the front of the center on the 7th floor of the New Town Plaza.
I wonder if you could still add them. It is not like it is on the other side of Hong Kong. It is just a 5 minute/5HK$ mini-bus ride away.
After Robotech went off the air in the 80's I spent a lot of time trying to find video tapes of the show, so I definitely have that experience as well. This is also how I found the Macross in Clash of the Bionoids version of Macross: Do You Remember Love? and eventually other Celebrity Just For Kids/Best Film & Video classics like Space Firebird/Phoenix 2772, and Space Warriors/Baldios, et cetera.
Howdy there Karaoke, glad to see you popped in. I did want to ask you, how did you get your hands on
Baldios? I thought the only other languages it came out in were Arabic, Italian and (I think) Cantonese.